Can understand your concern..
As per your complain lump on the jawline along with other symptoms of
vomiting, fever,
migrane, nausea and
dizziness are indicative of infection..
It can be due to a deeply infected tooth leading to formation of pus below the root tips of the tooth and accumulation of pus in soft tissues can lead to swelling..
When the infection by some way enters the blood it can cause
septicemia and generalized features of infection as you have..
If the lump is below the jaw line it can be an inflamed and swollen lymph node which is also a sign of infection in any part of the body either near or distant..
I would suggest you to
consult a dentist and get evaluated for the exact cause of the problem..
In case of infected tooth antibiotics, painkillers and treatment of the tooth either by
root canal treatment or extraction can be relieving..
In case of swollen lymph node the curing of infection by antibiotic treatment can provide relief..
To reduce fever
Tylenol can be taken..
Anti emetics like Avomin can help in reducing vomitings..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.