Hi! thanks for sharing your father's health problem relating to recurrent lumps!
After going through your description of his spontaneous and vanishing recurrent lumps on random areas in his body parts including genital areas and with history of
dialysis, if I were your family physician, I would like to consider following possibilities:
1. gouty
tophus could be related to high uric acid level
2. skin edema due to renal failure
3. small hematomas
4. bursa like benign skin cysts
lymph nodes due to infections or cancer
6. malignancy
7. other cystic lesions could be neoplastic
8. spontaneous skin boils/subacute infections
Therefore, these lumps could well be related to some underlying severe disease even cancer or spontaneous infections as complications of dialysis; please see his
urologist ASAP for a needle
biopsy to confirm and relieve your concerns;
Wishing your father good health.