Hi I need some help with 2 persistent and new symptoms that I can only assume are associated with my crohn s disease. First, my background info is as follows; crohn s in terminal ileum (removed in right hemi- colectomy 8 years ago at age 19) I have had several, slight, flares since then and these have been treated with short course corticosteroids ( prednisone) as I am allergic to pentasa. I have had no raised inflammatory marker recently and all basic bloods have come back normal. For the last two months however, I have suffered with what I can only describe as a strange menthol- like feeling in my gut. It is particularly noticeable at night and is an intense enough feeling to keep me awake and is just down right bothersome! I have never felt this sensation before and it is nothing like the usual sensations I associate with my condition. Accompanying this strange and perplexing sensation is a second symptom that started about the same time; no matter how much water I drink ( I am a health fanatic and always get my daily requirement- I don t drink anything but water!) I have incredibly strong smelling urine- it is the same day after day and I have never suffered this symptom before either. How should I proceed? And what tests should I be requesting from my apparently non- plussed gp and gastroenterologist? Any help would be exceedingly appreciated, many thanks.