i quit smoking christmas day, i made it, not smoking in april! Problem is, what has happened to me, my thought process is a mess. i google to much but i see a term that fits my condition, brain fog . im fine in the morning but within hrs i feel (yes, physically), something in my head. it seams to effect my right eye as well. i can nap and all is well again but sleeping comes hard. i am 55 yrs old, smoked @ 1-2 packs of cigarettes for 43 yrs. My wife of 35 yrs sees this, my children as well. i can become annoyed quickly and my typical ability to solve an work related algorythm is..... bad.... my work sees it too. Typically , im a magician, 38 yrs in my job, i can usually have any malfunction delt with by lunch.... what is happening to me?