Hi. Read and understood your concerns for your son.
Septoplasty is correction of the anatomical that is a structural defect.
But h the other defects namely, the vasomotor component of the
Vasomotor Rhinitis needed to be taken care of.
It is but natural for a boy to get fade up with the situation if there is not much of an effect / positive effects.
I would advise the following in such a patient which helps all my patients::
First of all the the factors which are causing stress and
anxiety in this boy have to be taken out. This is the key of success in Vasomotor Rhinitis.
Secondly symptomatic treatment in the form of steroidal as decongestant nasal drops followed by steam inhalations will definitely help him.
The moment he is feeling better, he shall be happy and may accept to visit a Doctor/ ENT Surgeon to get further evaluation and management .
Nasal endoscopy
CT scan PNS to see the position of the
further treatment as may be necessary.