I am a 24 yr old female with no health issues other than tense muscles in my back and neck which often cause tension headaches. I have had a few migraines in the past several years, but nothing serious. I have been experiencing strange muscles twitches over the last few days. It started with light twitching in my arms, but has mostly been in my back down the muscles along either side of my spine. In the last day, the twitching has moved to my buttocks and the back of my upper legs. Although the back of my thighs feels strange, I really don t feel any weakness or anything. It almost feels like how your muscles feel after working out. I ve never had any twitching like this before, so I just wanted to get some input on if this sounds like something I should worry about. I also have a first cousin with MS, who s father (my dad s brother) died from leukemia. That is the only significant family history. Thanks in advance!