i am 49 yrs and havent had a period in the past 5 yrs (no spotting either) i smoke about a pack of cigs a day. My symptoms are nausea & vomiting only in the early morning bout 4 or 5 am for the past 3 days (mon, tues, wed) and now i cant even stand to smell a cig, also, right after i vomit i feel like i want to eat a horse but try and can t. i took a preg test from sav-on and it came out neg. so went to my doc yestr to dbl check and she said its not preg its prob just a stomach virus, ONLY EARLY MORNINGS?!! & Y CANT I STAND CIGS?!! my routine has always been the same, maybe just a lil more stress but other than that... please advise other diagnosis for these symptoms.