Thank you for asking on HCM!
I read carefully your question and would explain that your symptoms may be related to a viral infection.
A metabolic cause could not be excluded.
Have you measured your blood pressure during the last days?
I recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG, and some blood lab tests:
-complete blood count
- inflammation tests (PCR, sedimentation rate, fibrinogen)
- fasting glucose
kidney and
liver function tests
- blood electrolytes.
Regarding the
neck pain, it could also be caused by a viral infection as well as the wrong position during sleep. A
cervical spine x ray would be necessary to exclude a possible cervical disk disorder, which may trigger neck pain and some other symptoms.
Meanwhile, I recommend taking plenty of fluids, carefully monitor your blood pressure and have some rest, avoiding straining physical activity.
Hope to have been helpful!
Best wishes,
Dr. Iliri