Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
Cannabis can cause multiple symptoms wither due to taking it or leaving it causing
withdrawal symptoms.
Since you are symptomatic with
abdominal pain, nausea,
dehydration, tingling lips and all it is mandatory to see or rule out the cause by the following ways:
Consult your Family Doctor, tell him the truth about your cannabis smoking so that he can correlate whether your symptoms are related to the cannabis or has different problem altogether so that further investigations like Upper GI Endoscopy,
Ultrasonography of abdomen, tests of blood and stool can help you further to get a probable cause.
If a specific cause is found, you will get a specific treatment.
If all the tests are negative then the obvious cause may be cannabis or IBS that is
Irritable bowel syndrome and you should then consult an appropriate Specialist to get a proper diagnosis and management.
Take plenty of oral fluids, coconut water, fruit juices to have proper hydration and electrolyte balance. Symptomatic treatment with a PPI like Omeprazole, Domperidone may help you further.