Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 20 yrs ago. Long history of migraines, back and neck pain. Physio, traction, neck crunching in past. 63 yrs female. Take half 25 mg Endep, Imigran and Panadol Osteo. Slow loss of fine motor skills in right hand affecting writing. Hand seizes after 3 letters. FM pain worsened by physical activity (when aching), stress, especially weather changes. Presently have neck pain worsened by tilting head back. Pain worsened by laying on neck in bed at night. At times find that Imigran (Sumatriptan) eases neck pain - does this indicate blood vessel entrapment as action of Imigran seems to ease pain in neck at times, when other medication doesn t do anything. Work in school, which requires twisting, turning etc. Cold winter at present in Adelaide, South Aust which exacerbates pain, although I find repeatedly that my best health and least pain occurs in Autumn every year. Get light-headed and dizzy at times. Fell off a low platform onto knees and fainted 2 years ago + excruciating calf pain at night - got up screaming and fainted. Ultrasound revealed clot, suggested Warfarin immediately. I didn t take, sought further advice, saw Vascular Surg, more bloods taken, then just aspirin at night. Took for a while, but not now - bad press recently. Do not have regular gp. See when need scripts. Medical clinic situation rather than family gp. FM mainly self-management. Was secretary of Arthritis Foundation support group initially and learnt a lot about FM but haven t kept up with latest for a while now. Just push on, but neck pain is very restrictive and has been constant for a month now, with just occasional relief - probably due to pills rather than abating of problem. Don t know whether to ignore and hope it gets better, or get some massage, or go down gp line and seek specialist assessment. Am not one who rushes to doctor as over time fm patients usually learn to not expect any answers for pain. Think I ve got to a point of head in the sand self treatment now. Seem to be conflicting attitudes to value of MRI as a friend had for neck probs. I keep looking at barometer hoping it s the reason for pain - perhaps foolish, but when people have conditions for which there is no magic answer or treatment or reasons one becomes complacent I guess. Just wondering whether I should be seeking some answers to this neck problem as it s starting to concern me re: pain and constrictions. Have irregular heart rhythms also which were considered by Cardio to have contributed to faints and dizziness. Still trying to work in a primary school setting but becoming difficult, although it does force activity and movement. Cope with back pain but this neck pain is a bit more concerning when any slight backwards tilt causes compression and more pain flare-up. Daughter aged 38 yrs also has had pain in arms and legs, with hand tingling and heavy aching for many years. No-one has ever really investigated this or given any reasons to her. She had dysgerminoma ovarian cancer with ovary removed at just 13 yrs. 12 mths later another laparotomy to remove other ovary. Turned out to be a haemorrhage of ovary, so it was left. Due to abdominal surgery, she got lypodaemia. Probably more related reason is surgery re: arm pain, but thought I d mention also. Basically, how much should one be concerned re: neck pain?? Thankyou so much. HW.