Hello, lately I ve had my nerves twitch all over my body (arms, legs, feet, stomach), not all at once but occasionally throughout the day, especially the side of my bottom left foot. I don t really know what it can be, I m just scared it has something to do with my heart. I m on birth control, the T that lasts up to 10years and every time I smoke weed, I feel like the left side of my body gets numb (only the left sude) but just slightly. I had a baby in January, my first daughter, and when I had my epidural and another type of medication to numb my body (for c-section) I couldn t feel my left foot about half an hour after surgery (and my entire body, besides my head, during surgery) I was slightly able to move it (my foot) but didn t feel anything until I really tried to move it, it felt heavy. (Just thought I d throw that in there, maybe it will help with the diagnoses). I also get bee sting like sharp pain in the left side of my neck from time to time, out of nowhere too. I also feel the back of my left lung pressured like if I need to hit it a little to make it feel better. Please help me. I have a doctors appointment but not until the 8th of September and I would just like to really know what s going on.