It is little difficult to understand the description you have given but I am assuming that you were injured with a bottle in the right lip area and ever since you have felt loss of movements of that side of the
upper lip and the area is painful.
As you were injured in the lip area, it is possible that the
nerve supplying the right side of the upper lip (right labial nerve) is damaged or it might have been damaged while the surgeon sutured the area. Unfortunately, nothing can be done in that case and you will have to wait for few weeks to few months for the nerve to regenerate and start the sensation in the lip again. Feeling pain is also normal as you have been injured and then have got sutures in the area. As the site will heal, the pain will reduce till it will disappear. Also, as 3 weeks have passed since the sutures, you should go to the specialist treating you for follow up appointment where healing progression can be checked.
After the pain is relieved, you can
massage the lip to get the sensations back soon. For now, you can apply ice over the area to have relief in pain.
In addition, you can take
Ibuprofen 400 mg or
Ketorolac 10 mg up to thrice a day for pain relief.
I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing HCM. I wish you recover soon.
Dr. Viraj Shah