I'm 30 -32 weeks pregnant. About 2 days ago I noticed my hand was going numb at night and in the Morning it was a little tender to move.. Nothing serious. Yesterday I noticed light numbness in my right hand and fingers for a good part of the morning.. I have woken up today with numb tingly hands, it became increasingly worrying, I started to look at both hands and noticed light swelling on both index fingers at the base and my thumb and thumb base and whenever my hands are lowered all the veins in my hands (especially around thumb and on tops of hands) and some veins in my wrists all seem to bulge and expand with blood, my hand starts to develop tiny pin prick looking spots of white and red and they throb and feel very heavy, even typing now the feel almost numb with veins protruding.. I visited a doctor who looked very quickly and said its reynauds syndrome and that it won't effect my pregnancy and there isn't anything she can give me. I just feel something more may be happening here as all the things I've read on this syndrome have only really half related to me. This is effecting my whole hand and has not been an attack that's lasted a few hours.. This has been an all day thing. I'm worried.