Hello Dr. Rynne, Last night after becoming extremely intoxicated at a casino (and taking a few falls none of which caused me to hit my head--- heels+ large quantities of alcohol= not such a good idea. slept at a friends house on her couch. I woke up with severe hip discomfort and all of the fingers except my pinky on my right hand were numb and tingling. I take the birth control pill, I also take valium, and lexapro. I have had intermittent pain in the right popliteal area for a few days now and I am unable to sit indian style with my legs crossed or even sit on the toilet for short periods of time without some issue with circulation. I have had an extreme increase in appetite, and recently I have started to have hot flashes. I quit smoking cigarettes approx. 1 week ago. My temp is 98.7, my BP is 119/79 and my HR is 65. Usually my BP runs low (like around 105/70) and my HR usually trends in the 50s. The tingling in my fingers has progressively gotten less severe throughout the day and I am able to feel heat/cold and my touch sensation is intact, it is persistent though and I have recently developed a headache that was very mild in the occipital region bilaterally and behind the right eye. My facial movement is symmetric, my arms and legs are not experiencing a deficit is symmetrical movement, I do not have any weakness in either side of my body. I am a little nauseated and I just have a general feeling of being unwell. I would like your take on this as I know I need to seek medical attention but currently do not have health insurance, so if possible I would like to wait until my Primary Care Doctor is available because its the cheapest way to go and money is an issue. Thank you so much for your review of my symptoms, I look forward to hearing from you. --A concerned Patient