What causes full body numbness like this? Almost 3 weeks ago I felt an odd sensation on my left shoulder and after poking it a little I realized it was numb. It felt weird but didn t affect my day. The next day it was still there with no change until about 8:00pm where it started radiating from the patch on my shoulder, feeling like ice water was being poured over me. My entire left side was numb from head to toe, mouth and tongue included. Went to an ER and they ruled out stroke. But my whole body was going numb still. My reflexes and vision and strength are fine. The numbness gets worse after I fall asleep at night and wakes me frequently. But during the day it s slowly getting worse, it s my entire body, head to toe, my mouth and tongue and throat as well. I could still feel light touch when this started but the feeling has been getting less and less and I almost cannot feel anything at all. I keep having neck pain, some back pain and my shoulder hurts sometimes where the numbness started. I am unable to chew as my tongue and gums and mouth are all numb so I ve had to live off liquids and soft foods for the past few weeks. Had bloodwork done a few times and it came back normal. I ve seen multiple doctors and they can t figure it out. I m going to a neurology clinic in a week but I m worried I will keep getting worse and that I might be getting more symptoms by then. For a few days now I have felt like I m burning inside, like sitting under a heat lamp even though my skin is cool. And my fingers and toes have been involuntarily twitching occasionally. I m terrified that this will continue to get worse until I m paralyzed or it becomes permanent or something! I m only 17, and I ve been otherwise very healthy. What could be wrong? Small fibre peripheral neuropathy is the closest neurological problem I have found that match my symptoms even slightly but I don t want to just self diagnose from the internet.