Hi, I am a 43 year old female in good health, exercise and at 5'3 I weigh 123 pounds. Due to severe menstrual bleeding, anemia and unbearable pain and cramps caused by early onset endometriosis at 20 years old I had my uterus, cervix and left ovary removed in 1991 and the remaining ovary removed in 2008. I have recently began experiencing vaginal bleeding, it appears to be bright red and is increasing in flow and becoming more frequent. I am also experiencing very low blood pressure which has been hovering around 80/47 and my pulse is also running low at around 67. I have recently discovered I am anemic as well inspite of beginning a regimen of prescription iron supplements. As if this wasn't provocative enough I have had 3 episodes of my chin, lip and bottom teeth suddenly and without explanation going numb. It feels as if I have had a novocaine injection from the dentist. It starts with a tingling lasts an hour or two then wears off just as if I had a dental procedure. Then in early November 2014 I suffered from multiple seizures resulting in a diagnosis of a seizure disorder for which I am now prescribed Keppra twice a day. Any ideas on WTF???