I am taking Diltiazem (3 a day), Eliquis(2 a day), carvedol,(2 a day), rosuvasatin(mon.,wed.,fri., and digoxin(1 a day), and a a diuretic(2 a day}. 6 years ago I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and a-fib. With 1 shock treatment, I was fine for over 6 years just taking 1/2 tablet of digoxin (mon. thru fri.)carvedol 2 a day, and diuretic. Several months ago at my regular family physican checkup he said my pulse was off and prescribed all the other medicines. Since then I gradually got numbness in my little fingers and toes, a progressive rash that now itches me like crazy, and I noticed when trying to exercise after taking my pills, I feel terrible and sometimes get short of breath. If I exercise before I take my pills, I actually feel much better. We went for the last 2 months 1000 miles away to family at the Jersey shore. I am 71 and my medicare advantage plan is not valid out of Florida. I have an appointment with a cardiologist in several days, and wonder if I should stop the newer medicines till then, or wait till after I see him. I moniter myself daily, and sometimes my bp and pulse are actually higher after taking my medicine.