Hello dear,
Thank you for your contact to health care magic.
I read and understand your concern.
I am Dr Arun Tank answering your concern.
Masturbation never causes such a symptoms.
It has nothing to do with
numbness and other nervous system related information.
There are many misinformation for the masturbation in peoples mind. Actually masturbation has no deleterious health effect on body.
But you should be examined by the good doctor, for the cause of the numbness and other symptoms.
Masturbation actually clears ones mind from the
stress. After masturbation one can be light from the mind and can work with very good concentration.
You should do daily good exercise half hour daily. This will remove all your weak ness. Initially when you start exercise it will be boring for you. But on long a go there is good health effect of exercise.
I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/DrArun.
Thank you,
Dr Arun Tank
Infectious diseases specialist,