Ok, 2 days ago, I woke up with orange brown stains on my right sole of my foot,and the same stain on the palm of my left hand, my son and daughter had one of to spots of this orange brown stain. it almost looked like dried blood, but of course it was not, there was no leakage,it was dry and no matter how hard |I scrubbed, it only slightly lightened the splotch. during the day, it faded and by evening it was gone. and the kids few spots disappeared. We all went to sleep and we all checked our feet before bed and we were splotch free. This morning, I woke up and the whole left palm and 3 of my fingers were coated with the orange brown slotch, and my right foot was coated. it is now evening and the splotch is still there, what is it. we have ruled out food, our flooring, and are out of answers.