#Hello, I ve been in pain in front of my collar bone, the cavical front and a red inflamed lump, not too big about the size of a small marble. Also having pain across the right side of my collar bone traveling up to the right side of my neck to my ear. It s getting a little bit bearing but still red and swollen, I guess putting up with it and adjusting my pain tolerance. I do have osteoporosis and on fosamax, 70mg. Once a week. Also have a slight heart murmur with a mitro heart valve problem, under cardiologist care every six moth check up with ekgs, also have a mild case of lupis, keeping close contact with dr.Im in my late sixties, always trying to keep healthy, eating all the right foods, exercising, walking etc. I m 5 6 , 122 lbs. Thank you for your time and look into forward to your expertise, Adele, aka the singingnonnie