Hey Doc, about 2 weeks I had unprotected anal sex with my girlfriend. A week after that I was experiencing pain in my penis, slight inflammation at the tip, urinating frequently even with very little urine in my bladder, and leaking urine. I have diabetes so I know my immunes system is a bit compromised...It seems like a UTI. so, for a week now I have been drinking copious amount of water (with hopes of flushing the bacteria out),never holding my urine, I have cut back on alcohol drastically and have been consuming cloves of garlic bout every 2 hours. I m trying everything to keep my immune system up. After a week the symptoms subsided almost completely but I do have a slight pain at the base of penis and I still have to urinate frequently...I guess my questions are, does is seem like a UTI to you? if so, is this getting better? will it go away or is it traveling through urinary tract and is going to get worse? if not, what could it be?