hello concerned in law and thanks for writing to HCM
i read your query and i am so sorry to hear that your son in law has been diagnosed with
prostate cancer.
you have mentioned his age and the main symptoms he has now
But you havenot mentioned what the investigation reports or the doctor said regarding the extent and spread of the cancer.those staging of the cancer,would have helped.
Please understand that for most cancers prognosis and life expectancy are bad but can be prolonged with proper management and some have lived over a dozen years after that.
First of tylenol pm yoy have mentioned is
acetaminophen and
diphenhydramine which is given for allergies,headache,flu,fever etc.I believe he is on tylenol which is a pain killer
No,unfortunately tylenol isnt the one causing the pain of bones and swollen feet and ankles,but it could be a late symptom of advanced prostate cancer
They mostly spread to bones and lymph nodes and accumulation of lymph in the legs along with mild renal damage might be causing the swelling and pain.
my recommendation would be
palliative care,give him love and care and hope and pray for miracles too
i would recommend discussing the following options with your doctor:
along side treatment with analgesics,radio therapy ,chemo therapy and
hormone therapy can be tried
A type of drugs called
bisphosphonates is also recommended for the bone pain he is suffering from
hormone therapy would mainly involve drugs or injections blocking the action and production of testosterone and can regress the cancer and improve life expectancy and there are drugs like goserelin which also act hormonally
Also i would recommend the possibility of removal of testicles surgically called orchidectomy which will also reduce testosterone
continue analgesics as required and also electrical nerve stimulation can be tried to relieve pain.Please also discuss possibility of radical
prostatectomy with your doctor
As your query,is low on details,i had to go on detailing and i would recommend you to look at and discuss all options i have mentioned above
Hope this clarifies and helps and hope your son in law recovers.
prayers and hope.good day