Your query is rather vague. However, I am answering presuming certain things. Please correct me in direct question if I am wrong.
Due to
miscarriage you had, there is some sort of
stress or aversion for
oral sex. Probably you cum a little late.
Handling women's genitalia while they are dry is always discomforting and some times very painful. I believe you are getting pain at the clitoral region. That is very sensitive and indeed gives pain when dry.
You may request him not to touch your genitalia even with his mouth unless you demand for it. A woman demands only when she is fully aroused when she starts secreting and becomes wet.
During your peno-vaginal sex, probably he inserts when you are wet, or may be he is using some lubricant.
This would have happened with infection also however, you have checked for it and have ruled it out.
Was your miscarriage spontaneous or terminated? If you had undergone evacuation or termination probably insertion of speculum inside the vagina could have made it sour.
I have given you some possibilities presuming certain facts. If you have some more clarifications to give for me to explain you further, you may ask me direct question or telephonic question.