Hello, Long story short, I had an 8 wk miscarriage about a month ago. I ended up on antibiotics due to a possible infection as I had itching and a foul smelling discharge (similar to something rotten)...I have been off the antibiotics for 4 days now, and have since developed a fecal smell from my vagina, painful sex (have only had sex twice since the miscarriage-first time was just uncomfortable, second time was painful), and I have noticed a hard bump on the side of the beginning of my cervix. I have also had pain before bowel movements (not during) since the miscarriage, but the bowel movements themselves have remained normal. Any ideas??? Exhausted and ready for this to be over....I am 27years old, with a 2year old boy and this miscarriage was my second pregnancy, and I am very monogamousa.