Hello, Today I was playing a game of frisbee with friends. Me and a friend both went to catch the frisbee at the same time and did not see each other. I jumped in the air, he knocked out my legs and I landed flat on my upper back. The wind was knocked completely out of me and I could not breath for a few seconds. I also made a very harsh exhale sound as I was trying to breath that I could not control. I was able to get up and walk around. After I sat out for a while I was able to play again at a very limited level. I have put ice on my back, but I have a constant dull pain on my spin directly between my shoulder blades. It hurts to tilt my head up and down. It also hurts to lay down in bed. My question is, will this get better with ice and rest, or do I need to seek medical attention? Hoq=w serious is this?