Hello, I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis in July and had a biopsy done. The biopsy came back alright, but since then, once in Sept., once in Oct., and once in Nov., when my husband and I had a little more aggressive sex I have had a light pink discharge. The first time it was quite a bit. I thought I might be having a period, but the light color also made me think maybe a cyst might have ruptured. I was also told I had a small cyst on my ovary, and a small kidney stone. What also concerns me is that prior to all this I had an abnormal Pap smear. The gynecologist was going to do a leap procedure but said after examining it all looked OK and said he thought all was fine. I had been experiencing an odor that I have never had before and discharge (bright yellow, thick). After antibiotics that seemed to get better but now it seems to have come back and I have been experiencing pain, which I have been thinking was my bladder, but I am concerned it may be something else. I do not have any pain urinating and I o not have frequent urination problems, just pain in my flank area and abdomen. Pain was so bad, I had to take a percocet and ibuprofen during the day and at night to sleep. Pain was really only that bad for 2 days. I am in menapause, and not had a period for 6 months. Please help. Thank you.