I have been having a dull aching type pain in what I think are my bones. Started with feet and hands. Have been tested for arthritis - all blood work came back negative. Had x rays of both hands and feet - nothing abnormal there. About a year after the bone pain started, my left hip began bothering me. I have no idea if this is related. After sitting for a while, it gets stiff and sort of locks in place. When I stand I must hobble for a few steps (with quite a bit of pain) until it works itself out and I can walk without issue. Then, about 9 months after that began, my left shoulder (same side of the body) started hurting and I have limited mobility (cannot reach behind to put on a sweater, etc). Quite a bit of pain with the shoulder. Very difficult time sleeping due to the pain of that. I had x rays of hip and shoulder - these did not show anything abnormal. Tried physical therapy for about 5 weeks with no change in either hip or shoulder. Not sure what to do from here. Not sure what type of doctor to see at this point. If you have any thoughts/suggestions, I m up for those! Thank you so much for your time. I understand these things may not be related - just wondering since they seemed to occur one after the next with no injuries. I am 41 year old female. Thank you again!