I am 37 years old (Female). During 2005, i started feeling pain in my left hand which spreads over from the left hand fingers, up towards the neck. In another 10-15 minutes i started feeling discomfort in my breathing and felt pain in my chest. I found this to happen whenever i am stressed or in tension. I had all my test done and they said it is a kind of SyndromeX problem. From then (2005), i have my cholesterol level to be 240-255 and my trigly to be 175 - 225 and always the Good Cholesterol to be very low and Bad to be High. Also had periods irregular. My diet is not that bad. I don t take any fatty foods at all. I am fed-up and even stopped taking tablets. As because it is in control if i take and goes bad if left. Can you please let me know how complicated is my state, and what that SyndromeX is actually. In recent times, my periods are becoming very much irregular. I feel like i have a kind of premature menupause. Kindly guide me..