The most likely diagnosis is oral thrush. This requires an
anti-fungal medication such as Nystatin. Comfort combination rinses can combine anti-fungal treatment, pain relief and anti-inflammatory medication. Sometimes,
corticosteroids are prescribed. Try warm salt water rinses, stay well hydrated, avoid irritants such as smoking, acidic foods and alcohol. Maintain good nutrition, balanced vitamins and good daily
dental care. I recommend taking Benadryl for relief. Other anti-inflammatory medications to consider are Tylenol and Motrin. Vitamin B12 is recommended.
Are you suffering from Shingles or have you had prior episodes? Have you noticed any mouth blisters? Please provide additional details concerning your medical history and any medications taken. This virus travels nerve pathways. Shingles can affect the mouth. A generalized, overall discomfort is common for thrush, an
allergic reaction, a deficiency or dry mouth.
Thank you for your inquiry. Consider a clinical exam with your
dentist if symptoms persist. I am available to assist you further and will gladly answer additional questions.