I play a lot of competitive basketball (3 days a week), and yesterday after a morning pickup game my foot around the 5th Metatarsil was aching a fair amount. Last night I toughed it out and played a league game, it was good most of the game. I was asked to fill in for another team right after, but the pain started to become almost unbearable and running was not an option. I limped home, iced it down and it was hurting a lot. This morning putting weight on it was terrible, but it eased off enough to go to work. U put a wrap on it with Icy/hot and when I walk with the wrap on it makes me want to cry with the pain. I have broken ankles, sprained them, broken toes, but never felt this before. I know I should probably go to hospital, but if its only bruised it will save me time and money. Thanks Craig