I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
As per your complain there is a
soft tissue injury to the nose tissues leading to inflammation and pain..
You should get an
X RAY of the nose done to rule out for any
For pain in gums there can be two causes, one can be due to soft tissue injury that is injury to the gums causing inflammation and pain.
If there is pain in tooth also along with gum then there is a possibility that there is fracture in tooth crown or root portion of tooth or there can also be fracture in the alveolar process of jaw bone [ that portion of the jaw bone that holds the teeth].
For this also an OPG [ORTHOPANTOMOGRAM] that is a full mouth x ray has to be done to rule out the exact status of teeth and the underlying bone and treatment can be planned accordingly..
As of now to relieve pain and inflammation you can take anti-inflammatory painkiller like
You can do
cold compresses over the nose and the gums..
Apply a numbing gel containing Lignocaine over the nose and gums to relieve pain..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.