Hi, a child when cries or complains of pain in the initiation of the urination suggest that the child may be having any kind of obstruction in the lower
urinary tract. Usually, that may be due to meatal stenosis and each time, the child passes urine, there will be some slough coming out in the beginning and then the urine will come.
Other reason may be a bladder calculi but, it is very unusual in a child of 2 years of age.
If, the child is complaining of pain initially in the abdomen usually in the flanks and then starts passing urine and with passage of urine pain subsides then it may be a Dietyl's crisis which is due to pelviureteric junction obstruction.
So, all these conditions require medical attention with
urinalysis and
ultrasound abdomen and pelvis and consultation with a paediatric
urologist or paediatric surgeon. If, there is something positive in the above mentioned conditions, further investigations may be required.