I appreciate your concern
Looking at your detailed history you might be having fissure or fistula in anus and
acid peptic disease.
I would like further information to help you better like
relevant medical history
have you taken any medicines or adulterated good
Since how long you have this problem?
have you seen bleeding with stool?
In my opinion you should consult your doctor for per
rectal examination and a battery of investigations like blood for hemoglobin, CBC liver function test,and stool test
You may require a course of antibiotics under supervision of your doctor
Meanwhile please follow these guidelines
Have plenty of dietary fibers fresh fruits and vegetables
Have lots of fluids like fruit juices and ORS solutions
Avoid smoking and alcohol
sitz bath will definitely help you
constipation by taking stool softening agent like liquid paraffin
I would advise you to take anti acidity medicines like
pantoprazole or
rabeprazole with antacids
Have lemon water, yoghurt or curd as much you can take
Hope this answers your question
let me know if you have nay doubts, I will gladly answer you
Best wishes