Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query he
Im started feeling weak and tired constantly for about 2 years know and it only got worse, recently i have had occasional pain in the right of my chest and bad headaches, i have recently been having a bit of trouble breathing and have difficulty breathy once a lot of spray like deoderant has been sprayed. Also i have started to feel faint, dizzy and really lightheaded. Im am worried im anemic my sister was a while back but that was because she was a vegetarian and was not getting enough iron. Everyone thinks im just pretending because im always ill and complaining about it but i dont know how long i can go on feeling this bad. Im just worried because i dont know what to do also i do not want to have a blood test because i hate needles and i will feel bad if im making a fuss about having colds because most people do. What should i do because everyone thinks im being a drama queen and its really annoying me?