My 15 y.o. daughter has had idopathic lower left quadrant abdominal pain for a couple of years. It seemed to get better but has come back. She has been nauseous for about 6 mos. and vomits occasionally (once every 2 wks?), also has some reflux. On top of that she has a right ovarian cyst. As of right now, she is experiencing a lot of pain (8 out of 10), she can t taste anything she eats (new symptom as of this morning). No fever. She was born with infantile hemangiopericytoma, which was excised at 8 days old and had myofibromatoses (about 10-bird seed sized) removed at 8 mos. old. Our family is hyper mobile and there is M.S. and Lupus in our family. Her latest blood tests came back normal (included ANA). She has an upper GI scheduled this coming Friday and endoscopy and colonoscopy scheduled next month. Is there anything we can do in the meantime as she cannot function well? She is currently taking Fluoxetine, Ranitidine, Cyproheptadine, Ondansetron and birth control.