Greetings Doctor, I started to have right big toe pain during waling when i have to lift off the foot , started around Feb, and i figured out it was because of my intense walking on formal ill fitting shoes when i had to walk from/to office/Bus Stop In March 2014 : I consulted a podiatrist, i was given tablets for pain relief. ESR and Uric acid test results were normal ( taken during night shift) I was told to use flat insoles..pain persisted, and insoles became more flattened March to May ( 2 sessions) I consulted a physiotherapist who told it was flat feet, and told to use Session 1: Nike Training shoes, and then perform luke warm water dip with rock salt in it , and then Session 2: Use ice rubbing, pain persisted July : consulted another physio who told it was first pain at MPT and is currently doing Ultrasound, IRR and Tense (using electrodes for nerve stimulation), After the treatment i do not feel pain when i walk( but i cannot still bend bigtoe), but after sometime or when i get up in the morning , pain persists ESR and Uric acid test results were normal.( taken during day shift) I was told to use Insoles with medial Arch(yet to take) and a bunion splint( which was not available in the leading store). I could not properly bend my right big toe at all and it is depressing ! Please advise , Thank you in advance !