Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I am a 30 y/o female. Have always had irregular periods. I have had one successful pregnancy at 19. I was treated for infertility insuccessfully in 2007-2008. After 115 lb weightloss (purposeful), I am considering resuming fertility treatment. However, over the past 2 years I have had an increase of pain over my LLQ. This is only the day before and a couple of days after I start. It REALLY feels exactly like an ovarian cyst but U/S AR negative. It hurts to push to relieve myself of either urgency. I realize that his could b bowel related, but I ONLY have this pain around the time of my period. I also have developed cramps and severe feeling that my uterus is just Really swollen at the time of my cycle. This is really concerning me but no one seems to think it is Gyn related. Lastly, had a hysteroscopy in 08' for fertility treatment. He said he found very little endometriosis if any. Please help if u can:)