Thanks for your query.
Read your history and understood the problem.
Since you are a known patient of kidney stones, the present symptoms of pain in the back radiating to the lower left front abdomen is suggestive of an impacted stone in the left ureter.
Id the stone is large it may be pushed down by the
hydrotherapy you are planning.
I would advise you the following:
First of all get an
ultrasonography done to see the site of impaction of a stone in the ureter, to see whether there is
hydronephrosis. Whether there is any other associated problems.
If required IVP is done to see for the activity of the left kidney and of the normal kidney.
If the stone is small , taking plenty of oral fluids, tablets for diuresis and an anti-spsmodic to relax the ureteric muscles so that the stone may pass down.
If the stone is large, you may need a forma surgical procedure to crack the stone via ureteroscope,
lithotripsy or formal removal from the ureter
Urologist will take the decision. IN the meantime the urine and blood reports will help for the medicines to be given