Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
As the uterus stretches during early pregnancy, it is common to feel cramping that feels similar to
menstrual cramps.
As long as you have no vaginal bleeding, there is no reason to be concerned. If you develop severe
abdominal pain especially on only one side of your abdomen, you should seek emergency care as that can be a symptom of a rival pregnancy, which can be life-threatening
In the meantime, eat a well-balanced diet, begin to take
prenatal vitamins, and schedule a visit with a
prenatal care provider. You will be able then to get an
ultrasound examination thaf will check the viability of the pregnancy and confirm the location in your uterus.
I hope I was able to answer your question today and that this information was reassuring.
Best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy,
Dr. Brown