I had bell s palsy since November of 2012 on the right side of my face, for the first 6 months of so, I had paralysis that I was not able to speak well or smile and it affected both of my eyes, especially my right eye. I have gone to many specialty doctors and the information they gave me, I have tried everything that they spoke to me about. To this day I feel blessed that I can smile and speak without slurring my words, but I still have a lot of dryness (which I use drops for) and my eyes tire very quickly and the right eye, it twitches frequently and it hurts when I gently wash around my eyes. It s very tender. I have to rest often so I can carry on with my daily activities. I blink very often and my right eye lid stays open when I blink, therefore I have to lie down and close and rest my eyes. I use an eye cover for the night. I use wet cloths freguently during the day and it does help, but its short lived. If you have had other patients with my similarities and can help me in any way, I would forever be most grateful. Thank you