yes but quite honesty doctor, I came upon this site because i am questioning why a 57 yr old women like myself would have the condition described so well by so many women here.Problem is my husband I and I pay $1599/month premiums with a $9,000 deductibile due to so called "pre-existing conditions"...mine due to PE --which is well under control with coumadin - a fluke so to speak as there is no known reason for this ...I am a thin non smoker who had not been traveling extensively which is
why this is a mystery but as many who have been diagnosed with Pulmonary emboli -my last episiode 2009 was acute bi -lateral as waws 2004 but 2009 was super acute,,,it is wellunder control with coumadin,,,so I have this other concern of painful lumps in my vagina and I have just about had it. I do not want to make a other there anyone who has taken the hippocratic oath who would like to help an ailing person? If so , here I am, tapped out by the system nearing retirement so have n cas on hadn as they say..I ca offer inexchange two books I have authored one about the Mews of London and the other a biography of a Spanish oomposer late 19th centuy -classical and knownas the Spanish Mozart -- will barter for an answer to my medical questions...Thanks