Thanks for your query.
Noted the history about your 18 month old child who is having pale yellow pale green stools once in a while. Also has
constipation, drinks a lot of milk throughout the day, waiting for a return call from her Doctor, got worried after using google.
Google can not have interaction and gives you only possible reasons which can be scary as you do not know the correlation among many a things.
The history is suggestive of just
enteritis as the growing child's intestines get acclimatized with newer bacteria, loads of infection as they become very active and start putting fingers in mouth and so on.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
stool tests for 3 consecutive days to get a proper diagnosis.
If the tests show infection, then a proper antibiotic therapy.
The daughter being 18 months old, she should be given normal diet and allow to sit with you, eat with the family so that she gets all the nutrients and the intestines get adjusted well.