Hi all,I had an appointment at my dr at week 27( complete 26) , and all the measurments are like this:bpd 6.63 cm, OFD 8.91 cm , HC: 24.69 cm , HC*: 24.54, AC: 22.28 cm , FL:4.40 cm, HL: 4.01 cm so FL and HL are showing age 24w3d. Because of this parameter my doctor did amniocintesis to me the next day and told me to wait 2 weeks for results. I am so stressed because of this. At 21 weeks 4d scan, everything seemed fine, i did also echo to fetus heart specialist and he wrote in report that everything is Fine at heart development and functioning.Please can you tell me any expereince you had regarding this measurments?All the best Nita