Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of finding blood on tissue paper for the last 2 months, but seems to have stopped for a couple of weeks. Now need to go to toilet more often, say around 3 times a day, are not solid and lighter in color, stomach is noisier and feels like need to pass wind all the time.
Your history is suggestive of entero-colitis causing all the symptom tat you have.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Stool tests for 3 consecutive days.
Tests of blood and urine.
Ultrasonography or CT scan if needed.
Your Doctor on clinical evaluation can give you a course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole and so on.
Ask for a reference for a Surgical Gastroenterologist so that you can be examined, per-
rectal examination and proctoscopy done to see if there is any
fissure in ano or something else so that the proper diagnosis can be done as well as an appropriate treatment instituted.
Also needed are colonoscopy and CT scan if required.