Hi, I've been experiencing pain in my pelvic area for a long time now and the treatments and help I've been recommended only seem to make it worse.
First of all, the physio I've seen described my hip symptoms as a hip impingment though nothing was reported after 2 x-rays. And second, I have a very cold feeling in my coccyx but my skin is hot (hot water bottles make no difference; I can't feel the heat at all). It's very uncomfortable and unbearable at times.
What makes it worse is that laying on my back puts a LOT of discomfort on my pelvis, it feels like I'm being pushed downwards, like my coccyx is going to crack and come out of place. As well as this I have a very painful right hip which makes me walk with a limp (pretty much leaning forward and dragging my hip outwards then forwards).
My pelvis also clicks and pinches around the middle area of my back. As this pain has progressed and became more frequent I've noticed that I'm getting much more painful period pains and back pain; I'm getting really bad pangs of pain which make me double over like I have an extreme stitch in one particular place which I can't move from without more pain - if that adds to anything.
I'm extremely worried as I'm 18 and dependent on fitness for my future career path.
(I've also had problems with my bowels since I was very young. I'm not frequent at all - twice a week is lucky for me - I'm lactose intolerant which doesn't help. I wouldn't say I'm constipated but I don't feel "empty" after going the bathroom; this hasn't happened for a while - I feel backed up without the constipation if that makes sense?)
Please can you get back to me asap, it's a lot of discomfort for me.