For the past few months, I have been getting my period (more or less regularly) but then only a week or two later having some spotting (enough that I need to wear a thin pad or panty liner). My boyfriend lives out of state, so I don t see him often. When we do, it s only for a few days, and we typically have protected sex during that time. In at least two of the past four months (this issue began in February), I had my period the week before he came, we had sex, and then the week after I had the spotting. I ve never had this problem before, and we have been sexually active since October. I m not sure why this is happening and I m afraid to mention it to my mother. I have birth control and he almost always wears condoms (and no matter what does not ejaculate inside me). It s almost as if I m getting my period twice in a month and I m just not sure why. Is it because of the infrequent times we have sex? So that during the few days we re together, my body isn t used to the activity and then it causes me to bleed after? I don t understand why it started all of a sudden but I really am worried that something could be wrong... thank you!