Thank you for your query on Healthcare Magic,
After reading your whole query,It seems you are having
constipation with passing of hard stools.
Here, I would like to ask few questions to have a more information regarding your problem.
1) Since how many days you have hard stool and headache?
2) Do you experience any pain while passing stool?
3) Do you feel any abdominal discomfort ? If it is there, do you feel relief of this discomfort after passing stool?
4) Any history of episodes of loose stools in between the hard stools?
Usually this type of stools will occur in persons with constipation or with
fecal impaction.
If you have constipation with hard stool, you should take plenty of water, foods like vegetables, fruits, and leafy vegetables on every day as it will make stool bulky and soft by retaining water in it leading to easy passage of stool.
And make a habit of going to toilet everyday as if you skip one day the retained stool becomes hard on the next day.
Even after trying this if you still have difficulty in passing stool you can take stool softeners like oral
lactulose daily in the bedtime after consulting your Physician.