Hello and thank you for contacting HCM
Since your child has Downs syndrome there are certain skin problems that are more common.
One common infestation is
scabies, where the mite is seen in skin folds and finger and toe spaces, though not commonly on face. check for itchy bumps in genitals, armpits, skin folds and webbed spaces. Was there any contact with other children or possible infestation.
If he has a history of allergies this may be a sign of
atopic dermatitis, which may have been aggravated by a certain food, dust, pets, medicines, or
insect bites etc
Since theyre tiny spots on face and spreading down, note if there is any fever. It could be viral such as measles as it also can cause redness in the eyes and congestion.
Apply a
calamine based lotion over the spots for now. If there is itching you can check with his doc regarding his prescribed antihistamines as they can make him drowsy.
Watch for spread of the rashes, any pustules or changes. If it doesnt subside see a
dermatologist to rule out the other causes mentioned and take the specific treatment.
Hope this helps.