I had surgery about a month and a half ago. I had growths on the right side of my thyroid, there wrre eight and they were calcified. They took the right side out. I felt better for about three weeks, then everyhig flooded back. Thyve tested my t3 and t4 levels and say they are fine. I have random pains like pin priks all over my boy at night when I try to go to sleep, it feels like somethings biting or stinging me. I sleep constantly and never feel rested. Im starting to get aggitated more and more, I also have high anxiety, bipolar, and agoraphobia. I dont know if the anger and aggitation stems from that or not. Also where my incision was randomly has sharp pains. Im at a loss, ive dealt with all this for far too long, I hav3e a really hard time getting to sleep too.