The information you have provided is somewhat insufficient to go for diagnosis. If such a patient comes to my clinic, i would ask more questions like
- for how long do you have these symptoms like
fatigue, headache, changes in color of your hands and feet
- Do these changes occur in cold or hot environment?
- Do you feel pain or
tingling sensation in your hands or are they numb?
- how often does headache occur and what incite it?
- have you got
diabetes or any previous heart disease?
- Do you smoke?
- Do you often forget things? how is your memory?
- have you got any tremors recently?
- Do blood tests like CBC, LFT's, RFT's and fundoscopy for blurring of vision.
Echocardiography to know the current status of your heart.
poor blood circulation can occur due to prolong immobility, maybe because of your job.
Hope i have satisfied you to my best. I am here to answere if you still have any queries. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer